| Autor: Tomislav Dolušić, prof. kineziologije
More and more trainers are promoting shorter, more intense workouts and claiming that they can achieve equal, if not better, effects on the body than those obtained by daily multi-hour workouts in the gym. Tomislav Dolušić, prof. of Kinesiology and author of the Born2Flow program.
“It is really no longer necessary to train 6 times for 2 hours a week, to waste time on arrivals and departures to the gym, if you do not have time for that. This is possible because our Born2Flow program applies the latest advances in functional training. So-called high-intensity interval training is truly a superior way of training. There is no classic cardio program, like endless running on a treadmill. The training is short, varied, fun, and can be very intense “, says prof. of Kinesiology Dolušić.
The trainer explains what Born2Flow is: “It’s a unique‘ bodyweight ’workout that only requires your own body. The training is based on very natural, fluid exercises with the goal of “unlocking” your body. The emphasis is on mobility and free, unfettered and natural movements.”
The training is intended for everyone, from complete beginners to intermediate trainees, well-trained recreational athletes as well as professional athletes and special units of the army and police. It is also ideal for all ages, from children to retirees, there is no lower and upper limit with everyone exercising according to their level of training.
Concept, frequency of exercise and expected results
“Through this program, the exerciser learns how to combine natural movements and exercises, two, three or more of them into a single flow. This achieves a remarkable synergy of movement and breathing, and the benefits to the body and mind are remarkable. Progress is made through progression as well as length, performing exercises and movements “, claims Dolušić and says:” With this program, mobility, strength, muscular-fascial activation, coordination, balance and achieving the shape and appearance of dreams are developed. You will unlock and feel incredibly light in your body.”
Everyone doses their own intensity during our B2Flow training, through the so-called progressions (more difficult exercises) and regressions (easier exercises). One average Born2Flow training lasts “only” 20 – 35 minutes in which exercises are combined in the so-called. FLOW ie flow, so there is no standing / resting during training.
“Of course, you can stop and take a break at any time, if necessary, and the so-called resets during B2F training serve just that – to refresh the person through the phase of active rest and prepare for the “right” exercises that follow.
Because our B2F programs are conducted only with your own body (so-called bodyweight exercises) are ideal for implementation anytime and anywhere – in the apartment, park, garage or on the beach, and you can also train them with our B2F certified trainers in Hard body Premium Dream gym – Sopot, Zagreb “, invites the coach.
What happens in the body during intense training?
“Functional interval training involves alternating high and low intensity exercise and we distinguish the so-called. aerobic and anaerobic intervals, which are meaningfully combined and complemented during Flow training. Because working with maximum intensity, we reach the extreme limits, then we recover briefly with low intensity, and so on alternately. This is how we stimulate the metabolic processes by which we achieve, dear to all of us, maximum ‘fat burning’, but at the same time we gain mobility, strength and endurance “, reveals Dolušić and explains that this type of training is not similar to traditional aerobic training. pulse, here is the idea to temporarily extend the normal training zone and reach the maximum in the work of the heart rate towards the age limit.
In 35 minutes at the highest B2F level, you can burn calories as if you ran a longer race
“Metabolic circuit training was created to use several intervals of exercise and rest together, manipulating intensity in a way that selects specific exercises into installment exercises. During the interval of rest and recovery from exercise, the so-called EPOC (Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption). We used to call the phenomenon of recovery after high-intensity exercise “oxygen debt”, but today it is better known by the acronym EPOC. There, an aerobic system is needed to regenerate ATP to bring the anaerobic system back. What many scientists are propagating today is that the type and intensity of selective exercise can have a big impact on the metabolic requirement and EPOC, which affects how someone adapts to training “, explains Dolušić and continues:
“During EPOC, we burn more calories than we would during recovery, while with high-intensity exercise followed by active recovery, the caloric consumption of the ADVANCED BORN2FLOW program can reach about the same level as the amount burned during a long race. This concept is important to understand, because it is the main explanation why you can not only ‘unlock your body’ and strengthen your muscles, but you will melt fat during Born2Flow training. So, although our Flow exercises are short, due to the nature of their demanding on the body’s energy stores, the body needs to use the extra energy to recharge. That increase melts fat. ”